절차 및 방법 procedure and

2020-11-12 09:20-09:40 [A1-2] KASS 특별세션 I

KASS 시스템 예비통합 절차 및 방법 소개
이병석*, 남기욱

한국형 정밀 GPS위치보정시스템인 KASS시스템은 현재 상세설계를 마치고 각 하위시스템들의 기능검증 후에 공장수락시 험(FAT, Factory Acceptance Test)을 완수하기 위한 일정을 진행 중이다. 일반적인 개발일정 상 현장수락시험(SAT, Site Acceptance Test)은 FAT를 마친 후 진행하여야 하지만 KASS 시스템의 개발과정은 개발여건에 대한 고려와 개발일정에 대 한 위험관리 측면에서 SAT를 3차로 구분하여 진행한다. 1차 현장수락시험(SAT#1, 예비통합)은 통합운영국(KCS)의 일부 기능을 모사한 중앙감시제어 시뮬레이터(CMS, Central Monitoring & control Simulator)를 통하여 전국 7개소에 위치한 기준 국(KRS) 사이트의 장비를 감시 및 제어 가능하도록 통신네트워크(WAN)를 통하여 연결성 시험을 통해 1차 현장수락시험 을 완료하게 된다. 이를 위해 사전에 기준국 부대시설 구축 상태를 점검하고, 장비의 배송 및 설치 그리고 시험이 수반되어 야 한다. 본 논문에서는 KASS 시스템 특유의 예비통합에 대해 진행 전략을 소개하고 특히 MCC사이트(통합운영국, 중앙처 리국)과 기준국 사이트 사이의 장비 시험을 위해 필요한 절차 및 방법을 다루고 있다.

Introduction of Procedure and Method for KASS System SAT#1

ByungSeok Lee*, Gi Wook Nam

The Korean SBAS (hereinafter referred to as KASS) system is currently undergoing a schedule to complete the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) while completing the last CDR and testing them for FQRs of each subsystem. The site acceptance test (SAT) shall be carried out after the FAT is completed in general development schedule, but the development process of the KASS system is carried out by dividing the SAT into three parts in terms of consideration of the development conditions and risk management for the development schedule. Among them, the first site acceptance test (SAT#1, Preliminary Integration) will be completed through a communication network (WAN) by a Central Monitoring & control Simulator (CMS), which simulates some functions of the KASS Control Station (KCS), to monitor and control equipment at seven KASS Reference Stations (KRSs) sites nationwide. For this purpose, it should be accompanied by pre-inspection of the construction status of the KRS’s infrastructure facilities, delivery and installation of equipment and testing. This paper introduces the progress strategy for the preliminary integration unique to KASS system and specifically deals with the procedures and methods necessary for the equipment testing between the Mission Control Center (MCC) site (KCS, KPS; KASS Processing Station) and KRS.

절차 및 방법 procedure and

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방법: 오버로드된 프로시저 호출(Visual Basic)

  • 아티클
  • 09/22/2022
  • 읽는 데 2분 걸림

이 문서의 내용

프로시저 오버로드의 장점은 호출의 유연성입니다. 호출 코드는 프로시저에 전달하는 데 필요한 정보를 가져온 다음 전달되는 인수에 관계없이 단일 프로시저 이름을 호출할 수 있습니다.

둘 이상의 버전이 정의된 프로시저를 호출하려면

  1. 호출 코드에서 프로시저에 전달할 데이터를 결정합니다.

  2. 인수 목록에 데이터를 표시하는 일반적인 방법으로 프로시저 호출을 작성합니다. 인수가 프로시저에 대해 정의된 버전 중 하나의 매개 변수 목록과 일치하는지 확인합니다.

  3. 호출할 프로시저 버전을 결정할 필요가 없습니다. Visual Basic 인수 목록과 일치하는 버전에 컨트롤을 전달합니다.

    다음 예제에서는 방법: 프로시저의 여러 버전 정의에 선언된 프로시저를 호출 post 합니다. 고객 ID를 가져오고, 고객 ID인지 여부를 StringInteger확인한 다음, 두 경우 모두 동일한 절차를 호출합니다.

    Imports MSVB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Dim customer As String
    Dim accountNum As Integer
    Dim amount As Single
    customer = MSVB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter customer name or number")
    amount = MSVB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter transaction amount")
        accountNum = CInt(customer)
        Call post(accountNum, amount)
        Call post(customer, amount)
    End Try

참고 항목

  • 절차
  • 프로시저 매개 변수 및 인수
  • 프로시저 오버로딩
  • 프로시저 문제 해결
  • 방법: 여러 버전의 프로시저 정의
  • 방법: 선택적 매개 변수를 사용하는 프로시저 오버로드
  • 방법: 매개 변수를 무제한으로 사용하는 프로시저 오버로드
  • 프로시저 오버로드에서 고려해야 할 사항
  • Overload Resolution
  • 오버로드

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절차 및 방법 procedure and

Laws & Regulations

Korea Automobile Importers & Distributors Association (KAIDA) provides English translation service of domestic automobile-related laws and regulations. Please refer to the list below for the translation currently in service, and contact for purchase inquiries.
Korean laws and regulations source: https://www.law.go.kr

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport


Ministry of Environment


Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy


Ministry of Science and ICT



Regulations for Certification, Test Method and Procedure of Manufactured Motor Vehicles (MOE Notification 2021-28, 2021.02.09)

국문명: 제작자동차 인증 및 검사 방법과 절차 등에 관한 규정 (환경부고시 제2021-28호, 2021. 2. 9)

영문명: Regulations for Certification, Test Method and Procedure of Manufactured Motor Vehicles (MOE Notification 2021-28, 2021.02.09)

Article NumberDescriptionfull = O / partial = △remarks
Article 1 Purpose O
Article 2 Definitions O
Article 3 Detailed classification of motor vehicles O
Article 4 Omission of Certification O
Article 5 Vehicles subject to OBD installation O
Article 6 Vehicles subject to IM240 mode test O
Article 7 Application for certification by vehicle manufacturer O
Article 7-2 Special provision for the delivery of diesel vehicles O
Article 8 Application for Certification or Omission of Certification for Individual Vehicle O
Article 9 Modification of Certification O
Article 10 Changing a modified model to a basic model O
Article 11 Selection of Emission Test Vehicle O
Article 12 Section of Noise Test Vehicle O
Article 13 Selection of Emission and Noise Test Vehicle for Individual Certification O
Article 14 Run-in of Emission Test Vehicle O
Article 15 Omission of emission test or noise test in partial O
Article 16 Selection of Durability Test Vehicle O
Article 17 Driving of Durability Test Vehicle and Operation of Durability Test Engine O
Article 18 Maintenance of Durability Test Vehicle and Submission of Data O
Article 19 Emission Test for DF calculation O
Article 20 DF Calculation O
Article 21 Assigned DF O
Article 22 Bench Aging for Emission Related Components O
Article 23 Selection and test of OBD test vehicle O
Article 24 Performance of Emission Reduction Devices O
Article 26 Classification of Certification Tests O
Article 27 Calculation of Emission Test Results O
Article 28 Reporting Test Results O
Article 29 Judgment of Emission and Noise Certification O
Article 30 Exemption of Issuance of Certificate of Omission O
Article 31 Waiver for OBD monitoring items O
Article 32 Reapplication for Certification of Non-compliance Vehicle O
Article 33 Identification of Certification O
Article 34 Provision of Owner’s Manual O
Article 35 Technical Staffs and Facilities Management for Certification Test O
Article 36 Vehicles subject to Spot test and instruction for test O
Article 37 Sampling of vehicles O
Article 38 Testing of a sampled vehicle O
Article 39 Submission of test result O
Article 40 Judgment of Pass/Fail O
Article 41 Retest O
Article 42 Disposition of rejected lot O
Article 43 Void of certification O
Article 44 Lot for Periodic Test O
Article 45 Test Vehicle Selection and Test O
Article 46 Judgment of pass/fail O
Article 48 Reporting of test result O
Article 49 Disposition of rejected lot O
Article 53 Due Date of Reevaluation O
Addendum (2008.7.30) Article 1, Clause 1 of Article 2, Article 4
Addendum (2009.1.5) Article 1, 2
Addendum (2009.7.17) O
Addendum (2009.12.28) O
Addendum (2010.7.2) O
Addendum (2011.2.25) O
Addendum (2011.12.30) O
Addendum (2012.2.15) O
Addendum (2013.4.16) O
Addendum (2014.8.18) O
Addendum (2015.1.22) O
Addendum (2016.10.14) O
Addendum (2018.1.5) O
Addendum (2018.8.3) O
Addendum (2018.12.31) O
Addendum (2021.2.9) O

Terms of Service

    1. Translation of each law and regulation is not sold by article but as a whole only.

    2. Delivery and Cancellation of Purchase

    1) The purchaser will wire-transfer the amount above to the bank indicated above.

    2) Within 24 hours after KAIDA acknowledges the receipt of full payment,

    KAIDA will deliver the translation to the purchaser in a PDF document by sending the purchaser an email with the translation attached or providing the purchaser with a link to download the translation.

    3) The purchaser may cancel the purchase only before receiving the email with the translation attached or accessing the link to download the translation.

    After receiving the email or accessing the link, the purchase becomes final and non-cancellable. When the purchase is duly canceled, KAIDA will return all payments received from the purchaser for the translation.

    3. Copyrights and Limitation of Use

    1) Copyrights to the translation exclusively belong to KAIDA. Without KAIDA’s prior written consent, the purchaser (client name) shall not reproduce, lease, transmit, distribute, or make derivatives of, all or part of the translation.

    2) The translation is intended to be used by one having expertise in the field. While KAIDA exerted its best effort for accuracy of the translation, there may be unintended errors.

    The translation is provided as-is, and KAIDA does not assume any liability regarding such errors in the translation.

    3) The purchaser shall be the ultimate entity to use the translation. The purchaser shall not provide the translation to any third party by any means regardless of whether in return for any consideration or not.