Orcad 17.2 crack 설치 방법


[CADENCE] SPB 17.4 설치 및 Hotfix 설치2021-09-23 10:57
  • 업데이트 전
  1. 이전 버젼 Uninstall
  2. Crack Folder 의 Readme.txt 파일을 일고 숙지한 후 아래 내용을 따라 진행
  3. License Manager 설치
  4. Cadence SPB_17.4 프로그램을 기본 설정으로 설치
  5. Crack 폴더의 tools  디렉토리의 파일들을 SPB_17.4 에 복사
  6. ToolsPubKey.bat 를 관리자 권한으로 실행
  7. Crack Folder 의 LicenseManager디렉토리 안의  파일들을 설치된 LicenseManager 디렉토리에 복사.
  8. LicenseManagerPubKey.bat 바일을 관리자 권한으로 실행
  9. License.dat 를 LicenseManager 폴더로 복사한 후.
  10. LicenseServerConfiguration.exe 를 실행 한 후 License.dat 파일 선택한다.
  11. lmtools.exe 파일을 실행 하고 시작/중지/다시읽기 탭에서 서버 중지 후 서버 시작
  12. 프로그램 실행 확인
  • 업데이트 방법
  1. 업데이트를 그냥 설치하면 Crash 발생으로 프로그램이 정상적으로 실행 되지 않는다.
  2. 우선 설치된 폴더의 이름을 SPB_17.4 →SPL_17.4_Pre 로 변경한다.
  3. 새로운 SPB_17.4 라는 디렉토리를 생성한 후 SPB_17.4_Pre 의 "components.dat" 파일을 SPB_17.4 에 복사한다.
  4. 이제 업데이트를 시작한다.
  5. 설치가 완료되면 Crack 폴더의 내용과  tools 폴더의 파일들을 SPB_17.4 로 복사한 후 ToolsPubKey.bat 를 실행한다.
  6. SPB_17.4의 모든 내용을 SPB_17.4_Pre 로 복사한 후 SPB_17.4 를 삭제한 후 SPB_17.4_Pre 를 SPB_17.4 로 변경한다.

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[CADENCE] SPB 17.4 설치 및 Hotfix 설치 sparcman
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Software. - This is one electronic circuit and PCB layout design that called with OrCAD. With this software you can create circuit schematic from your project and then you can continue to build PCB layout automatic or manually. And now you can enjoy their latest version in 2016 that called with OrCAD 17.2 or called with Cadence Allegro 17.2.

In here we will give you global description about Cadence OrCAD and then we will give you link to take free download one version of Cadence OrCAD Allegro 2016 Version 17.2 Full With Crack Instruction for Windows from external server.


Cadence Orcad is an integrated tool for schematic design entry, circuit board design, simulation and pcb layout board design software for designing electronics products. It is used by professional engineers and circuit board designer around the world for schematics drawing of electronics circuit board and for PCB board Prototyping.

The design step to design PCB board is to enter the electronics schematics, then to perform simulation and other analysis. If the simulation result are correct then footprint are added for PCB board design. Then the next step is to transfer the designed Orcad schematics to PCB layout tool called allegro PCB. The nice feature of this pcb board design software is that there are lots of automation during the transfer process of orcad schematic to PCB board design making it easy for designers to quickly develop PCB for manufacturing. During the PCB design, it provides very useful features such as components placing, auto routing and design of multiple layer pcb and others. After the PCB board design is completed, it generates Geber PCB file required by the PCB manufacturers. Gerber PCB is the final file required which in case of orcad is generated by the artwork tool. And one version of this OrCAD is Cadence OrCAD Allegro 2016 Version 17.2 Full With Crack Instruction for Windows.

Allegro Crack Crack Instructions and Library Builder ORCAD 17.2-2016 

  1. Set LicenseManager (if the program installed, skip to question license and continue to install it)
  2. Set cadence SPB 17.2-2016 (long a little bit light)
  3. Install Orcad Library Builder.
  4. Copy all files in the crack \ license_manager (3 files) into Cadence folder \ LicenseManager just installed. Then double click the file to run this file LicenseManagerPubkey.bat.
  5. Copy all files in the folder crack \ tools folder on both set to Cadence \ SPB_17.2 \ tools then run the file ToolsPubkey.bat (1 little bit long run, you wait until the process finishes it).
  6. Then to run files in the folder crack LicGen.bat \ lic_gen to generate license.lic file. Then copy the file just created license.lic on both Cadence installation directory. (Conventional milk have a localhost entry in the file src.lic hostname, but there was milk and so you ignore)
  7. In Cadence folder \ LicenseManager run LicenseServerConfiguration.exe file, in the window License browse to find the file we press license.lic file copied to finish in the Cadence installation directory. Then click Next until the end click Finish.
  8. We continue to directory Cadence \ LicenseManager to milk license.dat file just created. You open a file in notepad and delete offline 2 quotes and save.
  9. Continue to run lmtools.exe file (also in Cadence directory \ LicenseManager are light). LMTOOLS window opens, select the tab Start / Stop / đọc lại bảng. Then click Stop Server, and click the Start Server. After seeing the message Server Start Succesful is OK. Continue here.


And now you can click the link below to take free download Cadence OrCAD Allegro 2016 Version 17.2 Full With Crack Instruction for Windows from external server.

Cadence OrCAD Allegro 2016 Version 17.2 Full for Windows

Thank you for your coming here in Electronic Index blog, we hope the article above will help you to know more about your an electronic circuit schematic design and simulation and other. Please comment here when you want to share and other. Thank you.


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