Dna 분리 방법

A fast, integrated workflow for a wide range of applications, from human whole-genome sequencing to amplicons, plasmids, and microbial species. Read More...

Library Prep

Illumina® DNA Prep, (M) Tagmentation (24 Samples, IPB)


Illumina® DNA Prep, (M) Tagmentation (96 Samples, IPB)


Illumina® DNA Prep, (M) Tagmentation (24 Samples)


Illumina® DNA Prep, (M) Tagmentation (96 Samples)


Index Adapters

IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set C, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set D, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT® for Illumina Nextera DNA Unique Dual Indexes Set C (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT® for Illumina Nextera DNA Unique Dual Indexes Set D (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Nextera™ DNA CD Indexes (24 Indexes, 24 Samples)


Nextera™ DNA CD Indexes (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)



Illumina DNA Prep Training


Illumina Purification Bead, 100mL


Illumina Purification Bead, 400mL


Flex Lysis Reagent Kit (96 reactions)


Illumina® Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (12 Reactions)


Illumina® Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (48 Reactions)


NextSeq PhiX Control Kit


Product Highlights

Illumina DNA Prep offers flexibility for many whole-genome sequencing applications.

  • Fastest Illumina library prep workflow, with ~3.5 hours total time
  • Flexibility to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, and application
  • Optimized library prep performance, generating reliable results

Learn more about the technology

Save Time and Resources

Illumina DNA Prep uses a fast, user-friendly workflow. On-bead tagmentation chemistry reduces total library prep time to ~3.5 hours, from DNA extraction to library normalization.

Simplify Lab Operations

The Illumina DNA Prep workflow supports a broad DNA input range (1–500 ng), multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots*or bacterial colonies*.

Gain the flexibility to sequence human or other large, complex genomes as well as amplicons or microbial species, all with a single kit.

Obtain Reliable Results

While accommodating various study requirements, the Illumina DNA Prep workflow delivers consistent insert sizes, uniform coverage, and optimized performance, regardless of DNA input amount or genome size. The bead-based technology minimizes bias and opportunities for error, resulting in highly reproducible sequencing data.

Access Flexible Throughput Options

The IDT for Illumina - DNA/RNA UD Indexes Sets A, B, C, and D offer up to 384 unique dual indexes, enabling accurate assignment of reads and efficient use of the flow cell. (Sets A and B are available now. Sets C and D are coming soon.) These unique dual index codes use 10 base pair codes. This change in base pair index codes require adjustments to the sequencing run setup.

Nextera DNA CD Indexes support up to 96-sample combinatorial dual indexing. The 24 CD Indexes are supplied in a tube format, and 96 in a plate format.

Related Notification

For whole-genome sequencing, Illumina DNA Prep is the recommended replacement for the Nextera DNA Library Prep Kit, which has been discontinued. If you were using Nextera DNA (Cat. No. FC-121-1030) or stand-alone components (Cat. Nos. 15027865 and 15027866) for ATAC-Seq** or other custom applications, the Illumina Tagment DNA TDE1 Enzyme and Buffer Kit is our suggested alternative.

*Demonstrated protocols available.

**Customer-reported application

Explore Illumina Library Prep

Discover the power that Illumina library prep tagmentation technology can bring to your lab through this interactive experience. Our library prep solutions offer whole-genome sequencing across various applications, flexibility across Illumina sequencers, and integrated sample input for blood and saliva without quantification.

View Infographic

Dna 분리 방법


Project Recommendations

InstrumentRecommended Number of SamplesRead Length
NextSeq 550 System1 sample per run (high output; based on 30× coverage of a human genome) Up to 2 × 150 bp
NovaSeq 6000 System2–10 samples per run  (dual flow cell; based on 30× coverage of a human genome) Up to 2 × 125 bp (rapid run) 
Up to 2 × 150 bp (high output)

Product Comparison

Illumina DNA PrepTruSeq DNA PCR-FreeTruSeq DNA Nano
Assay Time~3-4 hours (from DNA extraction to normalized library) 5 hours total assay time ~6 hours total assay time
Automation CapabilityLiquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots
DescriptionA fast, flexible workflow for a wide range of research applications and sample types, from human to microbial whole-genome sequencing and more. A simple, all-inclusive PCR-free prep for whole-genome sequencing studies with the ability to sequence through challenging regions of the genome. A low-input research method that delivers high genome coverage quality and reduced bias.
Hands-On Time1-1.5 hours 4 hours ~4 hours
Input QuantitySmall genomes (e.g. microbial): 1-500 ng DNA. Large genomes (e.g. human): 100-500 ng DNA. (For blood and saliva, see the reference guide). 1 ug DNA 100 ng genomic DNA
Mechanism of ActionBead-linked transposome Mechanical DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation. Workflow is PCR-free and gel-free. Mechanical DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation. Workflow uses reduced-bias PCR and is gel-free.
MethodAmplicon Sequencing, De Novo Sequencing, Shotgun Sequencing, Whole-Genome Sequencing Genotyping by Sequencing, Shotgun Sequencing, Whole-Genome Sequencing Genotyping by Sequencing, Shotgun Sequencing, Whole-Genome Sequencing
MultiplexingUp to 384 unique dual (UD) combinations and 96 combinatorial dual (CD) combinations Up to 24 single, 96 combinatorial (CD) dual, 24 unique dual and 96 unique dual (UD) combinations (available soon) Up to 24 single, 96 combinatorial (CD) dual, 24 unique dual and 96 unique dual (UD) combinations (available soon)
Specialized Sample TypesBlood, Not FFPE-Validated, Saliva Not FFPE-Compatible Low-Input Samples, Not FFPE-Compatible
Species CategoryAny Species, Bacteria, Drosophila, Human, Mammalian, Mouse, Nematode, Plant, Rat, Virus, Yeast, Zebrafish Human, Mammalian, Mouse, Other, Plant, Rat Human, Mammalian, Mouse, Other, Plant, Rat
Species DetailsCompatible with any species Compatible with most large DNA genomes. Compatible with most large DNA genomes.
Target Insert Size~350bp 350 bp or 550 bp 350 bp or 550 bp

Illumina Bead-Linked Transposome Chemistry

Dna 분리 방법

(A) Bead-linked transposomes mediate the simultaneous fragmentation of gDNA and the addition of Illumina sequencing primers. (B) Reduced-cycle PCR amplification amplifies sequencing ready DNA fragments and adds indexes and adapters. (C) Sequencing-ready fragments are washed and pooled.

How It Works

Product Literature

Data Sheet | PDF | 5 versions