얼마나 던지 grammar

INTRODUCTION Tim: 방가방가, 여러분. 팀입니다. Debbie: Debbie here. Being Indecisive in Korea. Tim: 잘 지내셨어요, 데비 씨? 잘 지내셨나요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분? Debbie: 물론이죠. 잘 지냈지요. Of course I’ve been well. Tim: 여러분, welcome back to KoreanClass101.com. Debbie: The fastest Tim: 가장 빠르고 Debbie: The easiest Tim: 가장 쉽고 Debbie: And most fun way to learn Korean. Tim: 한국어를 가장 재미있게 배울 수 있는 방법. Debbie: Tim, what are we going to learn today? Tim: Today’s topics are about A이든 B이든 “either A or B” and A든지 말든지 “whether doing A or not.” Debbie: Ah either A or B and whether verb A or not. Tim: Yes in Korean, it’s called A든지 B든지 and 뭐뭐 하든지 말든지. Debbie: Interesting. Okay, where does this conversation take place? Tim: 식당에서. At a restaurant. Debbie: The conversation is between Tim: 수진과 철수. Debbie: Since the speakers are close friends, the speakers will speak using informal Korean. Tim: 반말입니다. Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation. DIALOGUE 수진: 두 시간이나 기다렸는데.와. 진짜 안 오네. 철수: 그러게. 우리 팀이 오든 말든 먼저 먹자. 저기요! 여기 자장면하고 짬뽕 주세요. 철수: 수진아. (목소리가 점점 커지며) 수진아. 수진아! 수진: 어! 불렀어? 철수: 무슨 생각을 그렇게 열심히 해!? 얼마나 열심히 생각하던지 3번이나 불렀는데 모르니?! 수진: 어. 팀 때문에. 혹시 무슨 일이 있나 해서. 철수: 무슨 일이 있든지 없든지.난 신경 끌래. 수진: 안 되겠다. 나 먼저 가볼께. 미안. 철수: 야! 그럼 자장면은? 수진: 너가 다 먹든지 말든지 맘대로 해! 철수: 정말? 앗싸! Tim: 이번에는 천천히 들어 보겠습니다. Debbie: Now let’s listen to it slowly. 수진: 두 시간이나 기다렸는데.와. 진짜 안 오네. 철수: 그러게. 우리 팀이 오든 말든 먼저 먹자. 저기요! 여기 자장면하고 짬뽕 주세요. 철수: 수진아. (목소리가 점점 커지며) 수진아. 수진아! 수진: 어! 불렀어? 철수: 무슨 생각을 그렇게 열심히 해!? 얼마나 열심히 생각하던지 3번이나 불렀는데 모르니?! 수진: 어. 팀 때문에. 혹시 무슨 일이 있나 해서. 철수: 무슨 일이 있든지 없든지.난 신경 끌래. 수진: 안 되겠다. 나 먼저 가볼께. 미안. 철수: 야! 그럼 자장면은? 수진: 너가 다 먹든지 말든지 맘대로 해! 철수: 정말? 앗싸! Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다. Debbie: Now let’s listen to it with the translation. 수진: 두 시간이나 기다렸는데.와. 진짜 안 오네. Su-jin: We've been waiting for two hours… Wow. He's really not coming. 철수: 그러게. 우리 팀이 오든 말든 먼저 먹자. 저기요! 여기 자장면하고 짬뽕 주세요. Cheol-su: I know. Well, whether he comes or not let's go ahead and eat first. Excuse me. Can we please have one bowl of black bean noodles and one bowl of spicy seafood noodles? 철수: 수진아. (목소리가 점점 커지며) 수진아. 수진아! Cheol-su: Su-jin.(voice gradually gets louder) Su-jin.Su-jin! 수진: 어! 불렀어? Su-jin: Yeah? Did you say something? 철수: 무슨 생각을 그렇게 열심히 해!? 얼마나 열심히 생각하던지 3번이나 불렀는데 모르니?! Cheol-su: What were you thinking about? You were so deep in thought that you didn't even hear me call your name three times… 수진: 어. 팀 때문에. 혹시 무슨 일이 있나 해서. Su-jin: Oh, it's because of Tim. I was wondering if something happened to him. 철수: 무슨 일이 있든지 없든지.난 신경 끌래. Cheol-su: Whether something did happen or not…I don't want to think about it. 수진: 안 되겠다. 나 먼저 가볼께. 미안. Su-jin: I think I'm going to go check up on him. 철수: 야! 그럼 자장면은? Cheol-su: Hey! What about the black bean noodles? 수진: 너가 다 먹든지 말든지 맘대로 해! Su-jin: Whether you eat all of it or not, it's up to you! 철수: 정말? 앗싸! Cheol-su: Really? Hooray! POST CONVERSATION BANTER Debbie: 자장면 and 짬뽕? Tim: Umm have you heard about 지오디? 어머님은 자장면이 싫다고 하셨어. 어머님은 자장면이 싫다고 하셨어. 야이야아아~ Debbie: Ah I’ve heard that song before. I think it’s from Audio Blog Season 5, Lesson 18. My Memory of My Mother and Korean Black Bean Noodles. Tim: Yes. 야이야아아아~ Debbie: Okay Tim, that’s enough. Do you see the numbers here? About 300 listeners have stopped listening since you started singing the song. Tim: Oh 안돼! Oh no! Sorry guys! Debbie: Okay well Tim, why don’t we briefly talk about the history of 자장면 and 짬뽕? Tim: That’s a great idea. First about 자장면. Korean black bean noodles. Debbie: With about a 100 year history, 자장면 is known as a national dish in South Korea. In fact, it has been by far the most popular delivery food in Korea and almost every Chinese restaurant in Korea has 자장면 on its menu. Tim: Yes, 자장면 is a popular Koreanized dish. 중국에서 왔어요. It’s originally from China. Debbie: That’s right. 자장면 너무 맛있어요. It’s so delicious. You must give it a try if you visit Korea. 근데 한 접시에 얼마예요? By the way, how much is a bowl of black bean noodles? Tim: 음...한 4천 원에서 5천 원 정도? About KRW 4000 to KRW 5000. Debbie: Ah so it would be about USD 4 to USD 5. Tim: Umm what about 짬뽕 spicy seafood noodles? Debbie: Ah well in the late 19th century, many Chinese immigrants opened restaurants in Korea and created new versions of their food from their homeland. Tim: Is one of them 짬뽕? Debbie: 맞아요. Yes. 그리고 짬뽕은 매워지기 시작했어요. 왜냐면요... In Korea, it became spicier because Tim: 왜냐면 한국 사람들은 매운 음식을 너무 좋아해서죠. It’s because many Korean people love to eat spicy dishes. Debbie: Yes and like 자장면 it has become a popular Korean Chinese dish that is common in Korea and even in Korean neighborhoods around the world. Tim: 맞아요. That’s right. By the way, in Korea, 짬뽕 is a slang term which means mix up. Debbie: Mix up? Tim: Umm.. Debbie: 근데 Tim, between 자장면 and 짬뽕 which one do you like the most? Tim: 난 언제나 자장면이 좋아요. I’ve always liked 자장면 the most. 데비 씨는요? Debbie: I like either 자장면 or 짬뽕. Tim: 아...자장면이든 짬뽕이든 상관없다. Debbie: Yes. That’s what I wanted to say in Korean. Tim: Yes and that’s also today’s lesson expression either A or B. Debbie: Okay let’s move on to today’s key vocabulary. VOCAB LIST Debbie: The first word is Tim: 먼저. Debbie: First. Tim: 먼저 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 먼저 [natural native speed] Debbie: The next word is Tim: 저기요. Debbie: Excuse me. Tim: 저기요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 저기요 [natural native speed] Debbie: And the next word is Tim: 점점 Debbie: More and more. Tim: 점점 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 점점 [natural native speed] Debbie: And next up Tim: 열심히. Debbie: Hard, diligently. Tim: 열심히 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 열심히 [natural native speed] Debbie: And the next word is Tim: 때문에. Debbie: Because of Tim: 때문에 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 때문에 [natural native speed] Debbie: The next word is Tim: 혹시. Debbie: By any chance, perhaps. Tim: 혹시 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 혹시 [natural native speed] Debbie: And next we have Tim: 무슨. Debbie: What, what kind of Tim: 무슨 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 무슨 [natural native speed] Debbie: The next word is Tim: 신경 끄다. Debbie: To ignore. Tim: 신경 끄다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 신경 끄다 [natural native speed] Debbie: And next up Tim: 마음대로. Debbie: As one likes, as one pleases. Tim: 마음대로 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 마음대로 [natural native speed] Debbie: And finally Tim: 해. Debbie: I do. Do it, intimate. Tim: 해 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 해 [natural native speed] Debbie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage of some words from this lesson. VOCAB AND PHRASE USAGE Debbie: The first words are. Tim: 자장면 and 짬뽕. Debbie: Meaning black bean noodles and spicy seafood noodles. Tim: I have a multiple choice quiz for you, Debbie. Debbie: Sure, shoot! Tim: What’s the #1 delivery food in Korea? A 짬뽕 B 비빔밥 C 불고기 D 자장면 Debbie: 저는 불고기를 가장 좋아하지만... Personally I like bulgogi the best but my answer for your quiz is D 자장면 black bean noodles. Tim: 딩동댕! How did you know? Debbie: Well we just talked about it before Tim. Tim: Really? Debbie: Umm well let’s talk about 짬뽕 now. Tim: Okay 짬뽕 is the second most popular delivery food in Korea. How is 짬뽕 made, Debbie? Debbie: 짬뽕 is made by frying pork, seafood and vegetables with lard. Tim: Thanks, Debbie. 근데 짬뽕하고 자장면은 한 그릇에 얼마죠? How much is 자장면 or 짬뽕 per bowl? Debbie: 한 5천 원 정도 합니다. It costs about USD 4 to USD 5. Okay well, what’s the next word? Tim: 이나. As many as. What’s 세 번이나 in English? Debbie: As many as three times and Tim, what’s for as long as two hours in Korean? Tim: Umm 두 시간 동안이나. Debbie: 질문이요. I have a question. Tim: What Debbie? Debbie: 팀 씨는 하루에 자장면 몇 그릇 먹을 수 있어요? How many bowls of 자장면 can you eat in a day? Tim: 열 그릇이나. As many as ten bowls. Debbie: 열 그릇? I can’t believe that. And the final phrase is Tim: 앗싸! Hurray! Debbie: Yes, 앗싸 is an expression that Korean people use when they feel lucky or fantastic. 팀, 녹음 끝나고 내가 밥 살게요. Tim, I will buy you dinner after this recording. Tim: 앗싸! Lucky me. Debbie, let’s go to Korea after dinner. Debbie: 정말요? 앗싸! Tim: 뻥이야. Just kidding! Debbie: I knew that was coming. Now let’s move on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of today’s lesson is about the expressions either A or B and whether you do it or not. Tim: 맞아요. 한국어로 A든지 B든지 either A or B and 하든지 말든지 whether you do it or not. Debbie: This expression 든지 is used when choosing between two choices and indicates that the speaker would not mind if any of the two A or B takes place. Tim: 제 생각에는 설명하기 위해서 보기가 필요할 것 같아요. I think we need some examples to explain this one. Debbie: Of course how about either you or me? Tim: 음...너든 나든 or 너든지 나든지. Debbie: How about either 자장면 or 짬뽕? Tim: 자장면이든 짬뽕이든 or 자장면이든지 짬뽕이든지. Debbie: Tim? Tim: Yes. Debbie: 이해가 안돼요. Tim: What? Debbie: I don’t get it. Sometimes you say 든 for example 너든 나든 and sometimes you say 이든 for example 자장면이든 짬뽕이든. Tim: Wow! 좋은 질문이에요, 데비 씨. Good question, Debbie. The rules are simple. Rule #1 든 or 든지 is attached to nouns that end in a vowel with no 받침 like either you or me 너든 나든, 너든지 나든지처럼. Debbie: So like either him or her. Tim: Umm. Debbie: 그든 그녀든 or 그든지 그녀든지처럼? Tim: Yes. Rule #2 이든 or 이든지 is attached to nouns that end in a consonant with a 받침 like either 자장면 or 짬뽕, 자장면이든 짬뽕이든 or 자장면이든지 짬뽕이든지. Debbie: So let’s try. Either bread or water. 빵이든 물이든. 빵이든지 물이든지. Tim: 훌륭해요. Excellent. 그럼 어디 한번 연습을 해 볼까요? Then should we practice? I would say some nouns and Debbie, you make phrase using either noun A or noun B. Debbie: 알았어요. 최선을 다해 볼게요. Okay I will do my best. Tim: Here is your phrase. Either Tim or Debbie is Debbie: 팀이든 데비든. Either Tim or Debbie. Tim: Great. How about either Bread 빵 or a snack 과자? Debbie: 빵이든지 과자든지. Either bread or a snack. Tim: Okay listeners, remember this. With nouns that end in a vowel, with no 받침 like 데비, 나, 너, 과자, you need to attach 든 or 든지. Debbie: And with nouns that end in a consonant with the 받침 like 팀, 빵, 자장면, you need to attach 이든 or 이든지. Tim: Yes. Debbie: Wow Tim, that’s easy. Tim: Umm… Debbie: What about the expression whether verb A or not? Tim: Yes. That’s A든 말든 or A든지 말든지 in Korean. It’s different since we use verbs instead of nouns. Debbie: Okay Tim well, why don’t we briefly talk about the rule? Tim: Sure. The rule is very simple. Verb stem plus 든 말든 or 든지 말든지. Debbie: So for example, to drink is 마시다 and whether you drink it or not is Tim: Again verb stem 마시 plus 든 말든, 마시든 말든 or 마시 plus 든지 말든지, 마시든지 말든지. Debbie: To come is 오다 and whether you come here or not is Tim: Verb stem 오 plus 든 말든, 오든 말든 or 오 plus 든지 말든지, 오든지 말든지. For an example sentence 내가 you 여기에 here 오든지 말든지 whether you come or not. Therefore 내가 여기에 오든지 말든지 is whether you come here or not. Debbie: Lastly to eat is 먹다 and whether you eat it or not is Tim: Verb stem 먹 plus 든 말든, 먹든 말든 or 먹 plus 든지 말든지, 먹든지 만들지. Debbie: Okay. Well that’s all for today’s lesson.


Tim: 여러분, 들어 주셔서 감사드리고요. Thanks for listening. Debbie: 다음 시간에 또 만나요. See you next time. Tim: 여러분, 그럼 안녕.


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